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     Europees recht   

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europa  instellingen en recht

Bulletin EU maandelijks verslag over de werkzaamheden van de Commissie en van de andere communautaire instellingen.
Bulletin of the EU European statute law: search-engines and databases
CCEC Standpunten en publicaties van de Conferentie van Parlementaire Commissies voor gelijke kansen voor vrouwen en mannen in de Europese Unie
CELEX online European legislation, both primary and secondary case law of the European Court of Justice, national implementations and European Parliament Questions
Centre for the New Europe (CNE) ondernemersschap en economische groei stimuleren, publicaties
Committee of the Regions de opbouw van Europa: welke regio's krijgen het meeste aandacht en waarom? (E)
Council of the European Union, the institution of the EU
Court of Justice institution of the EU
Credoc links to EC-law databases (F+N)
EIS European Information Service over besluitvorming in Europa
EU Resources startpagina voor Europees recht
Eur-Lex European statute law: search-engines and databases, startpagina voor Europees recht
Euro de Europese eenheidsmunt, antwoorden op vragen, bereken de nieuwe prijzen
Europa @ Internet some institutions of the EU
Europages Europese Business Directory: bedrijven zoeken op product, dienst, activiteiten of bedrijfsnaam
Europe Online Europese landen (ook niet EU): weer, business, cultuur, sport, shopping, tv, ...
European Commission, the institution of the EU
European Court of Human Rights recent judgements
European Court of Justice (charged) European case law.
European Court of Justice (English version) European case law
European Court of Justice European case law, recent judgements (from 17/6/1997) is published, full text (French version),
European Court of Justice European case law. press releases, in all languages
European court of Justice: CELEX online European case law. European legislation, both primary and secondary case law of the European Court of Justice, national implementations of EC-legislation and European Parliament Questions
European Information Association European statute law: search-engines and databases
Europees Parlement structuur, activiteiten en persberichten, teksten, documentatiecentrum
Europese Beweging België de toenadering tussen Europese burgers, debatten, standpunten en infomagazine
Europese Centrale bank (ECB) speechen, persbericht, beschrijving van de bank, vacatures, links naar andere centrale banken (E)
Europese Commissie Officiële site van de EC. rol en strategie, officiële documenten.
Europese Investeringsbank missie, enfinanciële constitutie van de Europese Unie, lopende projecten. (E+F)
Europese Ombudsman vraagbaak, klachtenformulier, ontwerpaanbevelingen, jaarverslagen
Europese Rekenkamer controle op de openbare financiën, de Europese Rekenkamer in het algemeen
Europese Unie instellingen en beleid, teksten, nieuws, kernthema's ...
Europol samenwerkingsverband voor bestrijding van de internationale misdaad
Eurtopean Court of Justice: SCAD online European case law.
EU-stemrecht EU-ingezetenen krijgen op lokaal vlak stemrecht
Hof van Justitie van de Europese Lidstaten de toepassing en uitlegging van de Verdragen, bevoegdheden en procesvoering
latest EU News
Online Papers europees recht
Primary EU-legislation european statute law
Primary EU-legislation: full text european statute law: primary EU-legislation (all languages)
Primary EU-legislation: Treaty establishing the European Community european statute law - PDF Treaty of Rome, Maastricht, E.C.C.S., Euratom, Amsterdam, other treaties and acts, resolutions and declarations
Primary EU-legislation: Treaty on European Union european statute law - PDF
R.A.P.I.D. Database (free if you login as guest) European statute law: search-engines and databases
SCAD online European statute law: search-engines and databases
Secundary EU-legislation: CELEX online (charged)
Secundary EU-legislation: CELEX online European legislation, both primary and secondary case law of the European Court of Justice, national implementations and European Parliament Questions
Secundary EU-legislation: EUDOR Collection of secondary legislation bibliographical information only (F)
Secundary EU-legislation: Eur-Lex european statute law: general, financial and institutional matters, freedoms, agriculture, fisheries, transport policy, competition policy, taxation, E.M.U., external relations, energy, internal market, regional policy, environment, consumers and health protection, Science, information, education and culture, common, foreign and security policy, justice and home affairs, people's Europe
Secundary EU-legislation: European Commission Bulletin of the European Union mainly political and administrative
Secundary EU-legislation: Réalité Européenne monthly report concerning European legislation, summaries of judgements of the European Court of Justice
Secundary EU-legislation: SCAD online by the Commission
Secundary EU-legislation: SCAD online chronologically classified
Secundary EU-legislation: SCAD online classified by subject general matters, institutional matters, financial matters, customs union and free movement of goods, services, persons, capital, economic and monetary policy, competition policy, internal market, right of establishment, transport policy, external relations, regional policy, social policy, energy, environment, consumers and health protection, agriculture, fisheries, tax, education, information, culture, common foreign and security policy, cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, people's Europe
Spanje - Landenstudie van de BDBH de Spaanse economie
Working Papers europees recht
YES 99 het dertiende internationale YES-event in België, met zo'n 400 jonge Europeanen, programma en info (E)

... zie politiek, Belgisch recht + instellingen, Vlaams recht, Waals recht, Belgische steden

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